Thumbsucking, Pacifiers, and Kids’ Teeth
THERE ARE SO many different aspects to raising a young child. They outgrow their clothes every…
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THERE ARE SO many different aspects to raising a young child. They outgrow their clothes every…
DetailsIF YOU’RE AN AVID swimmer, maybe you’ve noticed that your teeth feel a little more sensitive after…
DetailsWE ALL WANT white, straight, beautiful teeth so that we can dazzle everyone with our smiles…
DetailsWE OFTEN HEAR that it takes fewer muscles to smile than to frown. We’re not sure where…
DetailsONE OF THE MAIN things people overlook about a daily oral hygiene routine is cleaning their tongues. That’s…
DetailsWE ALL KNOW how important daily brushing and flossing are to a growing child’s smile. We know…
DetailsWHILE A COMPLETE SET of baby teeth only includes 20 teeth, adults usually end up with…
DetailsHOW MUCH DO you know about what’s on the inside of your teeth? Let’s take a…
DetailsIS THERE ANYTHING better than the smile of a happy child? To a parent, not much comes close. An important part…